Shubham Agrawal, REMI, BMF Batch – May 2018.

17 Apr 2019 | Source:  

I am Shubham Agrawal, ex-student of the Real Estate Management Institute ( REMI), May BMF Batch – 2018. I would like to thank everyone from the REMI team for supporting me and helping me in all the stages of my career.
I would also like to thank REMI for their excellent collaboration with the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), USA which enables us to learn the global best practices in leasing. This is excellent knowledge and exposure for us.


Most of all, I’d like to thank REMI for preparing me well and that helped me land my dream job. I wish the REMI team a prosperous future and I hope they expand to other cities as well. Good Luck 🙂

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